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THE CHEERLEADING AGENCY (TCA) and THE DANCING AGENCY (TDA) are both proud companies of PC BRRANDS. We are looking for passionate young people who would like to be a part of something world-changing in the Spirit Industry. Help us grow the organization so we can reach more and more athletes and families. As an Junior Ambassador (J.A.) you will use your talents and academics to boost the spirit industry as well as your visibility. In return you will be rewarded with the satisfaction that you are taking part in something that comes around once in a lifetime. Not to mention the fact that you will be listed with other Junior ambassadors on our Ambassadors Page and promoted regularly throughout the world! 

The Cheerleading Agency's and The Dancing Agency's Junior Ambassadors (J.A.) is a spirited group of individuals that empowers, encourages and inspires young athletes to become leaders through volunteerism and community involvement. We do this by showcasing and supporting ALL cheerleading and dance athletes who are making a difference through their selfless acts of giving as well as working hard to further their education. 

We help teach our athletes to follow their passions at an early age. This will instinctively stay with them throughout their entire lives. TCA/TDA Junior Ambassadors are indeed athletes and scholars.  Each one in this slected group has the power to change the world. To be an ambassador we ask you for your energy and passion for our organization and our sport. We are seeking out our "true fans" so that when you speak to others about The Cheerleading Agency or The Dancing Agency the passion is contagious. As a Junior ambassador, we will ask you to help in areas where you feel you would match up best, and/or in areas where you would like to be. 



  • Tweet, Instagram, Pintrest and/or update your Facebook status as often as you choose without being too obnoxious about it. On Facebook, suggest our fan page to your friends at least once a month. If you have a fan page, select ours as one of your favorites. 


  • If you blog, consider writing about different TCA/TDA and or your personal events each month. You could also write about your Junior ambassador experiences each month. We will add each blog post to our press box. 


  • Help us develop regular newsletters and get subscriptions to those newsletters. We need PR people to help us with radio and TV interviews which include national and international press. 


  • Help us develop, print and distribute marketing materials at competitions and TCA/TDA events. 


  • Speak to local groups/schools about The Cheerleading Agency and The Dancing Agency  


  • Help with community service projects and charity events. 


  • Use whatever you are good at to help us further our cause. Suggest other ideas to add to this page.

© 2015 by PC BRANDS

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